I believe I explained before that I have an old wooden Kraft Cheese box about 16 " long full of assorted snapshots. Here are some from various years.
HONOLULU 1973.How many of these Luau party goers can you recognize?
Okay I'll have to do it myself, kneeling in the front are David Strong, & Dinky Patterson, she is holding Bella Santos; 2nd row, kneeling is Tiny Gallagher Santos,(Gala Shawn), Wendy Patterson, Vicky Santos, Della Santos,( Mrs. Flavio Togni), & Kari Jones Johnson; 3rd row left, Trudy Wilson Strong,& Donna Wilson; 3rd row right Danny, & Randy from the Schacht Fmly.,(Phil & Fran);Fernando Nicolini is peeking out on the left, Delilah Wallenda is behind Donna, & Ernie "Blinko" Burch, and Walter Patterson are serving the Mai-Tais; and in the back row are Paul Kaye, Bill Strong, & Ruth Patterson.
HILO HAWAII AIRPORT.Ralph Yampuku moved Heaven & Earth to get them to allow a 747 to land on an outer island to save the animals the barge trip back to Oahu. This is Joanne & Don Anderson with Paul Kaye.
THE ANDERSONS NOW.I just received this from Don yesterday. They haven't changed at all in 35 years.
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