Patty Cook sent me an email when Tommy passed away, which I posted, then I received an email from his daughter with these pictures, that email disappeared with a whole page of emails so I forgot all about it. Seeing Allen Hill's tribute to Tommy in the Circus Report started me looking again, I had forgotten I had already downloaded the pictures, & found them in a file. So for all of his friends here is Tommy through the years, I have no info as to time or place so maybe someone can add to these.I've had no luck identifying this Flying Act, Tommy is second from the right.
(Feb. 13, 2009), They say, "All things come to he who waits". I ran across this same picture in a post on Ivan Henry's "Circus Blog" This is Del Grahm's "Flying Viennas", left to right Del Grahm, Fluer, Lynn, Johnny South, Tommy Sheehan, & Unk.Tommy with the last of the great prop bosses Frank Daily, of Garden Bros.
You are dead on about Frank Dailey, Bill. Only riveled by the old Hamid crew of John Pardini, Bobby Hubler, and others. In my era anyway. Wade Burck
24-HOUR-MAN said...
I remember working props on the Texas Dates when there were no less than 4 "Prop Bosses", working on the crew for who ever the boss was at the time. The prop boss would set a 2:00 call, a few of us would come in at 1:00, & find somebody else came in at 12:00 and did everything! Can you imagine a crew of Freddie Schmitt, Ray Miranda, Mike Dowd, Johnny Pardini, Bobby Huber, Fingers Castle, Johnny Manko, Roland (Cody with a T) Cote, Leo (Coke) Coffee, Rusty Faucher, Bad Eyed Nick Bangor, One Eyed Nick Whalen, Deafy, & One Arm Paul,(who out worked most men that had two arms). I don't know which ones went to Heaven, & which ones went to Hell, but I guarantee there is a great crew both places.
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