On the left are Jeanette, & Tony Alexis, I don't recognize the third clown. They have a young son Tony Jr. but I don't think he is old enough for it to be him. They have an older son Johhny aka Toti who does a solo of "Oh Mein Papa", that is the closest thing I've ever seen to Bobo's, "Peg O My Heart".
Trudy & I worked with the Alexis Family on Circus Krone in the '90's.
More from Mike Naughton: Since John Cooper's comment Mike sent me these pics of The Chickys.
BRUNOOn Circus Herman Renz in Holland
JOSE MITCHELL: CENSOREDIn the ring, or out, with make up, or without, a clown, is a clown, is a clown!
The third person in the photo is the younger son of Tony and Jeanette. He works under the name of Tonito. The quartet (with Totti) is currently coming to the end of 2 years back on Krone in Germany, having been away from the show for some time since Bill and Trudy worked with them. In fact, I think Jose Michel took over the main clowning spot towards the end of the Strong's stay there.
For the next tour, it was The Chickys, until Chicky himself (the auguste) retired having had a triple heart by-pass. Bruno (the white face partner) remained on Krone, working the mirror entree with Jimmy Folco. For the last 2 years, Bruno has been with Circus Herman Renz in Holland.
John Cooper.
After watching The Chickys do "One Hand Only", with the glass of water, which Dime & Connie also did, I put this question to Chicky, "without getting into who did what first, which doesn't matter as much to me as who does it best,(which is usually the one who does it first), my father-in-law, & mother-in-law did it for 50 years, just how old is the gag?" his reply was simply, "older than you & I".
I doubt there is a record of who came first....I would like to know if there are any clowns today doing the water antree??
Also, who out there remembers any of the great clowns who did this?
fatima: if you mean the entree with the funnel, I know it is being done by the Jose Mitchell Trio who were on Krone with us, it is hillarious. That's why I put "to be continued" on that post because I have pictures of it if I can find them. I believe Jose & Tony Alexis are cousins, & both are cousins of Luis Munoz who does the Cannon Act.
There is/was another Michel act doing much the same routine as Jose and partners, the principal being another cousin of Jose.
I say "was" because the family has been involved with Cirque du Soleil's "Varekai" production since it debuted, the sons being involved in the "Ikarian Games", with the father (former principal clown in the act) as tutor for risley. The mother (Carmen) who used to work as whiteface in the act, is employed in a supervisory capacity Chaperone! That's the waord I wanted!!
indeed John is wright:
that is tonito.
he is 16 now but a lot bigger then tony.
also totti looks a different he is smaller and fatter.
and wears glasses. he is also part in the entree.
jeanette took the role of the wite face but without the make up.
I know the mitchelss and the water act has been in the winter building in Munich but also in summer tent season after tony??
when chicky retired bruno stayed for two more years teaming up whit the reprise clown Jimmy Folco for the mirror act.
now he's in Holland with renz for already two seasons: the first one they did the bonbons and this year the bussy bee.
partners are frenky ( also known from fliegenpliz) and milko ( long time clown for renz and part of the direction)
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