I have some great pics of the Kimris Act in the '30's but I think I already have enough rehashing so I'll stick to the entrances of three Rocket Acts who's entrance photos I have.
THE ANASTASINI ROCKETThey have adopted Butterfly type capes for the entrance of their Rocket Cradle Act, I wish just a little more of the Rocket showed up as it already looks great behind the capes.
THE JETSTAR WARRIORI saw Johnny's Double Rocket Act & thought it was great, in fact I was quite honored when he asked me to do his light cues in Rochester one year. I never saw this act but knowing this Master prop builder I'm sure it was top quality.
THE QUASSARS SPACE AGE ROCKET SENSATION,(It is my blog ya know)! We were still doing the "Kimris" walk in entrance when Star Wars hit the screen, and it was a natural for us to adapt some new ideas. Trudy had made us some hooded cloaks to wear after the act when we were hot & sweatty, because there were so many of them in the film, they immediately became entrance capes, and the addition of a robot that was also a fog machine, the creature in the ring, saucer, & gun battle it all came together great.
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