JOHAN PEDERSON & CASPERCasper, for those who are unaware, was the Gibsonton Chief of Police, he actually patroled HiWay 41 thru Gibtown, and issued tickets to speeders.
UNIDENTIFIEDThis is an unknown couple on the dance floor at the Tampa Showman's Club, most likely in the 1950's. These photos came in a shopping bag full that Hugo Zacchini gave me a couple years ago, and since Eddie booked the talent for the parties, this could be an act.
Yes, there was a KNOCK ABOUT act,wich included a tall female and short guy --Can't remember the name. Wish Hugo would part with some of the movie film both Eddie and he took. The Zacchini's were on the Tom Packs show year after year. That Circus had many good act, of which some I have seen on your Blog. Hanneford riding act for one. Elly Ardelty, The Wong troupe, The Young Bros, The Zacchini-(Trampoline, Flying act and Cannon) -Many different Animal acts. Com'on Hugo part with some of those memories. That's what keeps us all young at heart.
I received the following email from Bertha Nonanmacher Campisi re: this couple
Funny ---- I saw this on your Blog. There were two acts like that.
First act I didn't get to know too well. The other act --- the midget ended up in the Green and Dooley act as the make believe ventriloquist. Midgets name was Frank Nicholas. He also was in a foot juggling act.-- risly act
called the Ja----- can't think now. That Risley act was family to many dog acts, Gautiere Steepel chast dogs and-- Gaudsmith Bros. Frank did that act with his tall wife. I really think the time era is off, I'm speaking of
1946-47 time.
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