These photos were given to Flo Theron by The Idalys, from 1942, to 1944.
MANUELA & LUCIEN IDALY Manuela & Lucien preceded Hilda & Andre Prinz, & taught them the act, they in turn taught Patsy & Johnny Jordan.
FOOT LOOP ON THE PERCHLeave it to a good photographers eye, Jimmy Cole caught the fact I had this picture turned the wrong way, this does look better.
BACK BALANCENotice all the tricks are being held by "Iron Jaw", Andre & Johnny did the same
Wonderful photos of a great act. On reflection it has to be one of the unique aerial riggings of all time and the aerial artistry of the performers made it even better. The variou performers that did the act fortunately kept up the high standards of the originators just like Bill and Trudy with the Kimris act. So many times we see someone take over a great act and it becomes a far cry from what it had been. Not only aerial and ground acts, but animal acts as well. This act sure as hell is superior to that upside down platform on Ringling. How times have changed. Wonder what Patsy Jordan did with that rigging?
Thank you johnny,
I always tell people the credit goes to Lee & Henri,we practiced twice a day for a month, & we just did what they taught us.
I think the performers then had enough pride in their act to care how it was carried on, rather than just hand over the rigging & send you down the road.
Hennie, lady in the moon comes to mind.....anyone rememer her?? She also bought her rigging from someone.
I forgot her last name....I'm sure Penny would remember her and maybe have a picture??
I believe Henny's name was Earlin- not sure of the spelling. Her husband was Harvey, and the act was called Celeste, The Star in the Moon. An awesome presentation. It is so true about people who take over acts...or worse, copy them I have enormous respect for Bill and Trudy and the incredible job they did. Sensational... and in every sense of the word a class act.
Before Celeste Took the act it was Aida The STar in THe Moon. Aida and husband were The Walkmirs, great ground perch act prior to the aerial act. P.S. Nice to hear from Dave Merrifield.
I stll have the rigging. Im not sure I could remember how to put it together with Johnny gone. I knew Lucian, he use to come to the Princes to visit.It was a one of a kind rigging.
"one of a kind", like the people who worked the act!!!!
Good to hear from you Patsy!!!!
Isn't there a thing called "metal fautige" and "dry rot" that destroys equipment after so many years?
This is great info to know.
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